The Best 11 Podcasts Master List of 2023

Hey Poddy People!
It's already the end of the year and we have little time to read all these lists that come out. Just for you, I combed over 16 publications and created a master list of the top 11 podcasts they had in common. You'll see the number of publications they had in common between the (). The cut-off was 5 publications in common. Refresh: The number one podcast from the 2021 list was 9/12 and Welcome to Your Fantasy.
Updated 12/30/23 - Added The Atlantic and The Economist
You can click on the images for the reviews and descriptions. Sources are listed below.
Here we go!
11. Weight For It - ohitsBigRon Studio (4 lists in common)
10. Heavyweight - Gimlet, Spotify (4 lists inn common)
9. Grapevine - NBC News (4 lists in common)
8. The Coldest Case in Laramie - Serial Productions, The New York Times (5 lists in common)
7. The 13th Step - New Hampshire Public Radio (4 lists in common)
6. Normal Gossip - Normal Gossip (4 lists in common)
5. You Didn’t See Nothin - USG Audio (4 lists in common)
4. If Books Could Kill - Michael Hobbes, Peter Shamshiri (5 lists in common)
3. Classy with Jonathan Menjivar - Pineapple Street Studios, Audacy (5 lists in common)
2. Search Engine - PJ Vogt, Audacy (6 lists in common)
- The Retrievals - Serial Productions, The New York Times (8 lists in common)
Well, there you have it! Another list is done. Honorable mentions go out to the following podcasts that I thought I would see more of on these lists.
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Magnificent Jerk, The Girlfriends, Think Twice: Michael Jackson, Scamanda
List Sources: The New York Times, New Yorker, LifeHacker, Good Housekeeping, Vulture, Audible, Vogue, Town & Country, Mashable, The Guardian, Uproxx,, Huffington Post, CBC, The Atlantic, The Economist
About Great Pods: Great Pods is a website that uses podcast critic reviews and ratings to help you find & decide your next podcast listen.