True Tales Of The Illuminati

Eric Trageser, Katherine Cargill, Max Kreisky

True Tales Of The Illuminati


Critic Rating

True Tales of the Illuminati is about conspiracies. Ah, yes, conspiracies--where the strings of history are carefully pulled from behind the scenes to dance for the powerful like a puppet. In True Tales, the powerful are less puppet-masters and more... finger puppet-masters. At best. Promoted from the Department of Cover-Ups to Direct Action, Deputy Head Underboss Rebecca and her crew of hapless idiots intrigue, scheme, and stab their way into ruining every Illuminati conspiracy. Supervisors hastily deploy staff to cover mishaps, suddenly and inexplicably lose interest in the projects they proposed, and hand down endlessly diverse and contradictory demands. The...

Critic Reviews

Score: 2

Gregg Stockdale • The Podcast Geek Sep 24, 2023

"The theme song is a vaudevillian piano “chase” style song that lays the groundwork for the zany style comedy. Unfortunately, this tune is the best part of the show. The characters are irritating, especially Dal, who you get the impression is constantly peering out from a hooded cloak and who chews the scenery with gusto. The storylines are inane and yes, I understand that this is the point, but it got on my nerves almost instantly."

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