The Michelle Obama Podcast

Higher Ground

The Michelle Obama Podcast


Critic Rating

Michelle Obama and her big brother Craig Robinson bring their unique experiences and candid perspectives to a range of listeners’ personal dilemmas, from the everyday to the existential. Each week, they’re joined by special guests to tackle audience questions with practical advice, relatable anecdotes, and plenty of laughs. From dating and relationships to parenting and financial planning, IMO sees the iconic First Lady at her most relaxed and honest. This podcast will leave you laughing, reflecting, and feeling more prepared to tackle life’s challenges. Join the fun and submit your questions at!

Critic Reviews

Score: 4.5

Rachel Gauer • The Casa Revista Sep 3, 2020

"The intimate, casual atmosphere that they create in the episode gives the listeners a new, refreshing perspective on the Obamas and their day-to-day life, regardless of their political beliefs. In discussing such current yet urgent issues, the episode results in a beautifully created timepiece of our current world. Overall, The Michelle Obama Podcast offers entertaining yet informative content from one of the most influential American women in the 21st century so far. Its conversational style is easy to follow and provides the audience with new insight on several important topics and gives some personal insight and information about the former First Lady herself."

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Score: 4.5

Freddy Gray • The Spectator Aug 22, 2020

"I’m not that target demographic. Still, I found Michelle a natural broadcaster. She has a pleasingly fruity voice. She sometimes overcooks the homespun folksiness but that doesn’t grate. It is charming in parts. Michelle and Barack’s warmth and admiration for each other feels real and clear, or at least brilliantly faked. They both speak movingly about the need for people to come together, sacrifice, and the limits of individualism."

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Score: 4.7

Nicholas Quah • Vulture Aug 11, 2020

"Let’s start with entertainment value: It should be noted that the show is plenty fun to listen to, at least based on the first two episodes I checked out to write this piece. For the politically aligned, much of the show’s pleasures lie in its provision of simple moral leadership at a time when such a thing feels completely absent."

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Score: 4.8

MiNDFOOD • Mindfood Aug 4, 2020

"There’s plenty of delightful banter between husband and wife – the episode is filled with that truly infectious affection many of us are addicted to when it comes to these two. It’s an interesting listen, and like I say, made all the more enjoyable by the strength of Barack and Michelle’s relationship. But is it groundbreaking? I’m not completely convinced I’ll listen for the duration of the series yet – I’ll see what the next episode brings, and make my decision thereafter. "

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Score: 5

Fiona Sturges • Financial Times Aug 1, 2020

"And so it turns out that The Michelle Obama Podcast is entirely worth your time, not least because its host’s worldview remains largely one of optimism even while acknowledging the challenges the world is facing right now. Obama’s aim, she says, is to talk to close family, friends and colleagues about “the relationships that make us who we are. Sometimes that might be as personal as our relationship with ourselves. At the end they even say “love you”, which in any other situation could be nauseating. But this being the Obamas, it leaves the listener with a warm glow and a sense that people aren’t so awful after all."

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Score: 5

Joshua Dudley • Forbes Jul 29, 2020

"The way that they talk to people and about people, and about themselves is not only revealing, but life affirming. The amount of love and goodwill that they’ve earned during their time in public life is tantamount to the respect and honor that they’ve given back. I can tell you that the episode brought me so much joy that I wanted to share it with everyone..."

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Score: 5

Constance Grady • Vox Jul 3, 2020

"Michelle Obama is great at making you feel like she’s your friend. That’s why her podcast is so good."

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