Podcast 360

DCP Entertainment, The Podcast Academy

Podcast 360


Critic Rating

What does a podcast production company do? How does a podcast generate revenue? Where is the industry headed? These are just a few of the questions that podcast founders and experts are answering in a new show from The Podcast Academy and DCP Entertainment — Podcast 360, where you’ll get a 360-degree view on what it takes to build something that lasts in the podcast industry.Each week, company founders and podcast experts will sit in the hot seat and answer three questions about all things podcasting, like content production, building a successful brand, sales and marketing, or founding a podcast-based busi...

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Brian Keller • Brands In Audio Sep 1, 2023

"...it follows a compelling format that can liven up a 1:1 interview format. "

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Score: 5

Lauren Passell • Podcast The Newsletter Aug 14, 2023

"I love the way this show is mixing things up and providing the podcast industry with much-needed transparency about the way we’re building things in this space."

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