More Perfect


More Perfect


Critic Rating

We’re taught the Supreme Court was designed to be above the fray of politics. But at a time when partisanship seeps into every pore of American life, are the nine justices living up to that promise? More Perfect is a guide to the current moment on the Court. We bring the highest court of the land down to earth, telling the human dramas at the Court that shape so many aspects of American life — from our religious freedom to our artistic expression, from our reproductive choices to our voice in democracy.

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Reggie Ugwu • New York Times Dec 4, 2023

"(Season 4) spun captivating and timely narratives out of, among other topics, the conflict between religious freedom and the rule of law, the lives and jurisprudence of Clarence Thomas and David Souter and the slippery definition of fetal “viability.” "

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Score: 5

Chanel Dubofsky • Mashable Jun 1, 2023

"...a thorough and genuine interrogation of the body that's supposed to protect the well-being of Americans. The new season of More Perfect does just that, so dust off your pocket copy of the Constitution and start listening. "

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