Maintenance Phase

Aubrey Gordon, Michael Hobbes

Maintenance Phase


Critic Rating

Debunking the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice.

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Ammar Kalia • The Guardian Jul 28, 2022

"...Aubrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes take charge of this incisive and often sarky podcast, tackling the biggest myths in wellness, science and nutritional fads, while recommending more measured means of taking care of yourself in the process."

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Score: 5

Jessa Crispin • The Spectator Feb 12, 2022

"Hosts Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon really dig into the history of various fads and cons...We are baby-stepping our way into some basic knowledge about how best to feed and care for our bodies, but we are fully confident that each tiny bit of new information gleaned is correct. "

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Score: 5

Henrietta McKervey • Irish Independent Aug 14, 2021

"Maintenance Phase is a gleefully opinionated, good-humoured and well-researched show that blends academic research and pop culture to debunk the junk science behind health and wellness industry fads."

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Score: 5

Nicholas Quah • Vulture Aug 13, 2021

"Maintenance Phase is in many ways a direct companion piece to You’re Wrong About. It takes on a more specific lane, but the spirit remains the same — drill deep into something broadly known but underexamined, bristle against power, insist on complexity..."

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