Londongrad: Iran’s Hit Squads

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Tortoise Media

Londongrad: Iran’s Hit Squads


Critic Rating

Season 2 of Londongrad: Iran's Hit Squads.Award-winning investigative reporter Paul Caruana Galizia returns to report the story of the foiled assassination attempts on British soil of Iranian nationals. Since January 2022, there has been an attempted assassination or kidnap at least once a month – all ordered by the Iranian government. In this four-part series, Paul will delve into how these attempts unfolded, why they have become so prevalent and who is behind them. It's a story about Iran, about freedom of the press, but most of all, it’s about Britain – who the country chooses to protect and why.For the premium To...

Critic Reviews

Score: 4.8

Miranda Sawyer • The Guardian May 13, 2023

"Paul turns his dogged mind and instantly recognisable voice to Iran...This series isn’t as easy a listen as the original Londongrad. as with the first series, Caruana Galizia takes the shine off London’s glitz and exposes it for what it is. If I were writing a modern James Bond, this would be the series I’d listen to, for background on today’s international bad guys. Know your enemy."

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Score: 5

Patricia Nicol • The Times UK May 7, 2023

"Particularly chilling..."

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