I am the EggPod

I am the EggPod

I am the EggPod


Critic Rating

Beatles podcast. A jaunty stroll through Pepperland discussing The Beatles & solo Beatle albums with a pot pourri of delicious guests. The I am the EggPod podcasts aim to bring a lighthearted side to the Beatles (and solo Beatles) studio albums, with a series of amazing guests. If you’re after facts, figures, numbers and data, then you may wish to explore other podcasts. These podcasts are the equivalent of sitting in a pub, chatting and chewing the fat. The shows are hosted by Chris Shaw who can be found on Twitter at @ChrisShawEditor

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Henrietta McKervey • Irish Independent Feb 11, 2023

"Shaw’s combination of gregarious manner, joy in the music and impeccable research yields results, whether he’s talking to John Lennon’s sister Julia Baird (Episode 68, which covers the Strawberry Field community in Liverpool, their family and friends), or discussing popular Beatle-related search topics with Google data editor Simon Rogers. Old and new Beatles fans alike must be thrilled that, by night, he becomes someone else entirely."

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