Batman: The Audio Adventures


Critic Rating

Critic Reviews

Score: 4.5

Ray Goldfield • Geek Dad Sep 27, 2022

"...uniquely retro-noir version of Batman to life solely through description and dialogue. My favorite part of the podcast is that it uses new villains alongside classics, much like the old TV series did. "

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Score: 4.4

Peter Verra • Batman On Film Oct 1, 2021

"I must say I am incredibly impressed with this podcast after one episode. The writing of each character is damn near perfect, and the character interactions are genuinely excellent in each story. The production value is terrific, and the background noise and sound effects perfectly complement the story elements and work in harmony."

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Score: 4.5

Jt Forrester • East Coast Avengers Sep 29, 2021

"I had a ton of fun listening to the episodes while doing things around the house, lawn work and driving around town! I love the narrating of what's going on and as someone who loves comics and reads them a lot, this was perfect. I could visually see what was going on when Batman talks to Harvey Dent or when Robin is talking to Alfred and I really enjoyed that. I did have to stop at some points to rewind and listen really carefully to who was in the scene or where the story was at, but I chalk that one up to my bad hearing."

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Score: 4

Adi Tantimedh • Bleeding Cool News Sep 21, 2021

"The result is a combination of the surrealism of the Bill Finger comics from the 1940s and 1950s, the hyped-up tone of the 1940s radio show, a modern, even more knowing, update of the campy Adam West TV show of the 1960s that can't not be a comedy where all the characters are aware of the inherent ridiculousness of the world they find themselves in. It's as if SNL was completely devoted to Batman and becomes so much funnier as a result. Where the comics contrived like crazy to make us believe in the epic gloom-and-doom of Batman's neverending war on Crime and Gotham City's perpetual apocalyptic doom, Batman: The Audio Adventures doubles down on how silly and hilarious it all really is. Just when you think nothing new could be done with Batman, along comes "Batman as made by Saturday Night Live" to give a fresh take that earns its place."

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Score: 5

Anthony Avina • Author Anthony Avina's Blog Sep 18, 2021

"A memorable, iconic, and mythological new dive deep into the bowels of Gotham City, HBO Max and DC Comics new series, “Batman: The Audio Adventures”, is a brilliant work of art in a new medium that fans of the characters and comics will be able to get behind. Capturing the very noir atmosphere that classic radio shows always had, this series promises to give readers the much-needed dose of Batman they need in this time of isolation in our needed quarantine, and will entertain listeners for sure."

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Score: 3

Alec Dent • The Dispatch Sep 18, 2021

"Batman: The Audio Adventures has played out almost as a straightforward and slightly boring Batman adventure. What stabs at humor are made are, well, bad. While the storyline is a bit dull at the moment, with the cast assembled there’s enough promise to suggest that it might get better. The plot meanders along, though it is ably narrated by the always funny Parnell."

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