
The New York Times



Critic Rating

In a broken world, what can we gain by looking another animal in the eye? Join the writer Sam Anderson on a six-part, round-the-world journey in search of an answer. Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Giacomo Bagni • Orecchiabile Newsletter Oct 17, 2024

" un solo istante, tutta questa inutile tensione si è sciolta nel morbido abbraccio della voce di Anderson e dei suoi pelosi amici. La soffice scrittura di Anderson contribuisce a fare di Animal un luogo tiepido e rilassato, in cui perdersi alla fine di una faticosa giornata di lavoro, lasciando pigramente vagare i nostri pensieri in leggere riflessioni su cosa vuol dire essere umani. Per questa sua natura intimista e personalissima, Animal è un podcast che ricorda in qualche modo quelli che dieci anni fa ci avevano fatto innamorare del mezzo e che, ahinoi, sono sempre più rari. //// in a single instant, all this unnecessary tension dissolved in the soft embrace of Anderson's voice and his furry friends. Anderson's soft writing helps to make Animal a warm and relaxed place, in which to get lost at the end of a tiring day at work, lazily letting our thoughts wander in light reflections on what it means to be human. Due to its intimate and very personal nature, Animal is a podcast that is somewhat reminiscent of those that ten years ago made us fall in love with the medium and which, alas, are increasingly rare."

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Score: 5

Lucy White • Irish Independent Jul 4, 2024

"Sam Anderson grabs our attention from the start...Anderson’s storytelling is delightful as he celebrates dogs, wolves, puffins, manatees, ferrets and bats and explores why they’re equally important to ecosystems and humankind."

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Score: 4.9

Nicholas Quah • Vulture Jul 1, 2024

"...Sam Anderson’s six-part miniseries as an ode to animals and what they help us understand about the human condition, because that is both exactly what Animal is and a blunt underselling of the show’s idiosyncratic sensibilities....Anderson’s introspections are delightful bits of humanistic revelation..."

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Score: 5

Fiona Sturges • Financial Times Jun 23, 2024

"Anderson is an engaging, heart-on-sleeve host, seeking out connections with animals and reflecting on his belief...within these sweet, meditative stories, he never loses sight of a darker truth: that no matter our love or fascination with other species, it is we who threaten their survival."

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Score: 5

Devin • Podstack Jun 21, 2024

"Animal is so unsuspecting. The sound design is thoughtful, the writing is heartfelt and humourous, and you’re left wondering why so many of us grew out of being fascinated by animals."

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Score: 5

Lauren Passell • Podcast The Newsletter Jun 3, 2024

"It’s a very personal audio tour of the animal world, with episodes containing audio of Sam’s adventures, his own storytelling that I love so so much because he’s so so good, and lessons on life that aren’t preachy or annoying. The writing is sharp and specific and certain moments have stuck with me. The music is beautiful."

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Score: 5

Stephen O. • Podcast Delivery May 27, 2024

"Animal is simple. Everything about it is minimal – from the premise all the way down to episode descriptions, and that's where it all really starts to make for a compelling listen."

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