Real Money


Critic Rating

All six episodes of Real Money are available now to listen for free.The world of cryptocurrencies is shaking. It might be just one domino-fall away from a complete crash, and that domino has a name. It’s called Tether. Tether is a crypto coin that holds up the entire cryptocurrency industry. There are over 70 billion Tethers in circulation and for every Tether that exists, a dollar should sit in a bank somewhere. But no one has seen the money it claims to have in the bank and now little-known company that specialises in financial detective work has offered a mi...

Critic Reviews

Score: 4

Ximena Smith • Stuff NZ Feb 11, 2023

"Told in the same breezy style as Tortoise Media’s other investigative series, this six-part tale follows Krotoski’s quest to track down Tether’s elusive billions. I’m four episodes in, and so far, there seem to have been more questions raised than answers, but I’m hoping that seeing it through to the end will provide a satisfying payoff."

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