Queer Serial: American LGBTQ+ History

Devlyn Camp

Queer Serial: American LGBTQ+ History


Critic Rating

Podcast radio drama telling true stories in LGBTQ+ history 🎧 Produced by Devlyn Camp@devlyncamp 📻 Episode Guide at queerserial.com/episodes

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Michael Walsh • Yonkers Public Library Jun 14, 2022

"Queer Serial will enlighten listeners to figures and events in the Gay Liberation Movement and be entertained by Camp’s narration of unfolding events. I am impressed by the quality of each one. The narrations are interesting and there is a theatrical element to it with crowd sound effects and actors reading letters of gay rights activists such as Frank Kameny. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who wants to learn about the history of LGBTQ+ activism in this country."

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