Peter and the Acid King

iHeartPodcast Network, Imagine Audio

Peter and the Acid King


Critic Rating

Based on the international best selling true-to-life narrative by our host and narrator Davis Miller, The Tao Of Muhammad Ali tells the story of how The Champ saved a bullied young boy (Davis) from paralyzing depression. Years later Davis was reunited with a Parkinson ridden Ali who once again inspired Davis to become a successful writer.  The podcast explores the life of Ali through the later years, and explore Ali's "Tao" - the way of Ali:  his wisdom, doctrine and path, and how he became a role model and guru for millions.

Critic Reviews

Score: 4

Gregg Stockdale • The Podcast Geek Jan 28, 2024

"The host of TV show New Wave Theatre is found murdered. Find out what really happened in Peter And The Acid King."

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Score: 5

Giacomo Bagni • Orecchiabile Newsletter Nov 30, 2023

"...ho trovato un lavoro che si concentra soprattutto sul raccontare con grande affetto e lucidità una persona e un periodo storico che, per chi ha prodotto il podcast e per un numero sorprendente di podcast si conclude con una doverosa coda sulle teorie più o meno assurde che circondano la morte di Peter...Tanto e ben visibile. C’è tutto un pazzo mondo in cui vorrete perdervi. //// ...I found a job that focuses above all on telling with great affection and lucidity a person and a historical period that, for those who produced the podcast and for a surprising number of people...the podcast ends with a dutiful coda on the more or less absurd theories surrounding Peter's death...There is love. So much is clearly visible. There's a whole crazy world you'll want to get lost in."

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Cocaine Inc.

The Times UK, True Crime Australia

Score: 3.5

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