
Campside Media, Wavland



Critic Rating

In the winter of 2002, police discovered more than 300 bodies on one property in the tiny town of Noble, Georgia. What followed was one of the biggest and most expensive investigations in the history of the American South. To get to the bottom of this forgotten case, journalist Shaun Raviv visits a rural community with plenty of secrets. He discovers the epic history of the well-respected family who owned the property, uncovers the fates of the bodies sent to a crematory called Tri-State, and searches for the mysterious man at the center of it all. And in the process, Shaun explores...

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Chiara Sagramola • Orecchiabile Newsletter Jan 30, 2025

"(Italian) trasforma così in un collage di emozioni e riflessioni sul significato che attribuiamo alla morte, sull’importanza che diamo ai riti funebri e su quanto il trattamento dei corpi di un defunto possa alterare la nostra percezione di quello che è successo. Il risultato è un podcast che scorre leggero, mantenendo sempre viva la curiosità dell’ascoltatore senza abusare di artifizi retorici e morbosità varie e creando quel sottile stadio di dipendenza auditiva che tanto ci rende felici. /////////////// ...transformed into a collage of emotions and reflections on the meaning we attribute to death, on the importance we give to funeral rites and on how much the treatment of the bodies of a deceased person can alter our perception of what happened. The result is a podcast that flows lightly, always keeping the listener's curiosity alive without abusing rhetorical artifices and various morbidities and creating that subtle stage of auditory dependence that makes us so happy."

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Score: 5

Nicholas Quah • Vulture Dec 13, 2024

"A classic investigation of a mystery, done exceptionally well. Quiet and classy, Noble is an effort to make sense of a bizarre occurrence that gives way to an extended meditation on the human body after its death."

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Score: 5

Sarah Larson • New Yorker Dec 3, 2024

"...unlike its subject matter, was a wonderful’s a gripping, thoughtful, perfectly balanced meditation on death and our relationship to its practicalities...“Noble” illuminates much about the essence of human connection."

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Score: 3.5

Rebecca Lavoie, Kevin Flynn, Lara Bricker & Toby Ball • Crime Writers On Sep 12, 2024

"We were mildly impressed with "Noble." Rebecca loved the suspense of the opening scene, but thought it failed to keep that energy throughout. Lara loved the defense attorney, but worried the descriptions of cremation and decomposition might have been too much. Kevin admired the journalism, but the story was largely a recap of an old case."

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