National Trust Podcast

National Trust

National Trust Podcast


Critic Rating

Delve into immersive tales of history, nature and adventure with the award-winning National Trust Podcast. From wild landscapes to heritage sites and historical legends, unearth fascinating stories about people and places in the UK. This series, travel to the 1930s to unmask the eccentric Ferguson’s Gang, find out how the felling of the Sycamore Gap tree impacted the community, and discover what life was like for the people who toiled deep in a Roman gold mine. This podcast is made by the National Trust, Europe’s biggest conservation charity. Looking after history, nature and beauty for everyone to enjoy. Disc...

Critic Reviews

Score: 4.8

Stuart Heritage • The Guardian Dec 14, 2021

"...ranger Kate Martin enthusiastically discusses local history and legends...this is a warm and inviting listen, and you’d probably get just as much out of it as you trudge back from the school run."

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