Brown Don't Frown Podcast

Tania S H

Brown Don't Frown Podcast


Critic Rating

As a British Bengali, many of the experiences faced by women I grew up with have slipped through the cracks of mainstream feminism. Brown Don’t Frown Podcast digs deeper to attract an audience who can relate to us, as well as those with entirely new perspectives and experiences to our own, so that we can engage in open conversations without judgement. While by no means exhaustive, Brown Don’t Frown centres around the dissection of trials and tribulations faced by women, with a particular focus on minority and underrepresented women. We’re grateful to be able to share our storie...

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Sadia Nowshin • The Guardian Aug 25, 2022

"With a mission to access the people beneath the cultural stereotypes and bring underrepresented voices to the fore, she invites guests from varied walks of life to speak about their relationships with intersectional feminism, shedding light on experiences otherwise left in the shadows. "

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