Bob Saget's Here For You

All Things Comedy, Bob Saget

Bob Saget's Here For You


Critic Rating

BOB SAGET’S HERE FOR YOU is a podcast that is like no other— For one, this podcast has guests who are friends of Bob’s, or just really interesting people who many of you know and love. Secondly, this podcast is unique because it goes inside Bob Saget’s mind, and then quickly filters out through his mouth. Bob has a way of calming people he has conversations with as well as being entertaining and often informative. Bob talks with his guests with genuine empathy and humor, while reaching his unusually diverse audience that he talks to as a friend...

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Will Carpenter • Wyoming News Nov 7, 2021

"Saget isn’t looking to push the envelope. A perfect example of Saget’s efforts are captured in the podcast he started last April based off a personal goal of connecting with others in an honest way."

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