Battle Lines: Israel-Gaza

The Telegraph

Battle Lines: Israel-Gaza


Critic Rating

Across the world, from Europe to Asia, the Americas to the Middle East, tensions are rising between nation states. Traditional alliances and alignments are constantly evolving in the 21st century. An understanding of defence and security policy and the tides of political, social and economic changes is crucial for any informed understanding of our world.2024 sees war in Europe and Israel, and elections in major economies, including the US, the UK, Taiwan, South Africa, and many others. Insurgencies flare in Yemen and Burma, tensions escalate in East Africa, and all around the world the international security architecture buckles under increasing...

Critic Reviews

Score: 4

James Marriot • The Times UK Oct 27, 2023

"...a last-minute adaptation, we’re told, of a plan to release a more general podcast on global security, defence and geopolitics. She reminds us that some Israeli citizens live so close to the border that they were able to watch their Palestinian neighbours hanging their washing on the other side of the fence. I had no idea that ever since Mao, the Communist Party had viewed the Palestinian struggle sympathetically, as a struggle for liberation."

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