
Amazon, Pineapple Street Studios, Wondery



Critic Rating

How did 9/11 the day become 9/11 the idea? That question drives Pineapple Street Studios and award-winning host Dan Taberski (Missing Richard Simmons, Running From COPS, The Line) to shift the focus to what happened on 9/12, and every day after that. 9/12 is a poignant, surprising, and surprisingly funny seven episode series about people who wake up on 9/12 having to navigate a new, radically altered world. A teenager gets caught up in an out-of-control conspiracy theory that he helped start. A Pakistani business owner finds hundreds of his Brooklyn neighbors are disappearing. Joke-writers at The Onion must figure out just how soon is “too soon”...

Critic Reviews

Score: 5

Nicholas Quah • Vulture Sep 15, 2021

"...steeped in a deep sense of melancholia, serving collective portraits of a people grieving a world they left behind. …"

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Score: 5

Miranda Sawyer • The Guardian Sep 11, 2021

"Taberski is a warm, shrewd interviewer, and impeccable presenter, and the shows build into an aural essay, broken up into episodes. The last episode is exceptional: Taberski’s personal take on what “never forget” actually means, what it is that makes a memorial, and why we might want one."

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Score: 5

Pod Sauce Editors • Pod Sauce Sep 11, 2021

"It is poignant, powerful, and shockingly light-hearted. #NeverForget is an interesting call-to-action when we can still feel the powerful waves of tragedy 20 years later."

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Score: 4.8

Fiona Sturges • Financial Times Sep 5, 2021

"It would be easy to be cowed by the subject of 9/11 and go for a solemnly historical approach, but this isn’t Taberski’s way. Here, his arch style endures, though it is leavened by philosophical moments that reveal poignant truths about how culture, politics and society were changed."

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